Lean Manufacturing, Motion, Transportation, Behaviour, IUPAbstract
UD. Gajah Delta merupakan UMKM produsen peralatan dapur yang berlokasi di area pemukiman, dimana lokasi gudang di seberang jalan lokasi proses produksi yang memperlambat aliran bahan baku dan produk setengah jadi. Rantang merupakan produk dengan order tertinggi. Beberapa hambatan yang dihadapi , yaitu lokasi bahan baku dan proses produksi yang berbeda, operator sakit di pergelangan tangan karena mengoperasikan mesin dengan memutar handle, lintasan kasar untuk produk menyebabkan aliran produk terhambat, operator tidak masuk, operator sering mengobrol, tahapan proses produksi banyak tetapi pengaturan tata letak yang tidak baik, menunggu bahan, kurangnya kebersihan area, peralatan proses produksi kurang. Mayoritas karyawan kurang mampu berkoordinasi, mengidentifikasi masalah dan menyelesaikan masalah produksi sehingga waktu produksi menjadi lebih lama.
Untuk memperbaiki problem di atas maka digunakan metode Lean Manufacturing untuk mengidentifikasi Value adding Activities, Non Value Adding Activities. Dengan melakukan kuisioner dan brainstorming maka diperoleh tiga pemborosan terbesar yaitu transportation, employee behavior, dan unnecessary motion. Untuk menemukan akar permasalahannya digunakan five whys kemudian diusulkan saran perbaikan dengan pembobotan berdasarkan Importance, Urgency, Priority (IUP).
Dari perbaikan tersebut waktu produksi rantang mengalami penurunan 46,32% , Value Adding Activity mengalami kenaikan 31,64% dengan mengurangi Non Value Adding Activity 58.83%. Hal ini berdampak positip pada pengembangan bisnis.
UD. Gajah Delta is an MSME kitchen equipment manufacturer located in a residential area, where the warehouse is located across the road from the production process which slows down the flow of raw materials and semi-finished products. Food container is the product with the highest orders. Some of the obstacles faced, namely the location of raw materials and the production process are different, the operator has pain in the wrist from operating the machine by turning the handle, rough paths for the product caused product flow to be hampered, the operator does not enter, the operator often chats, there are many stages in the production process but the arrangements poor layout, waiting for materials, lack of area cleanliness, lack of production process equipment. The majority of employees are less able to coordinate, identify problems and resolve production problems, resulting in longer production times.
To fix the problem above, the Lean Manufacturing method is used to identify Value Adding Activities (VAA), Non Value Adding Activities. By conducting questionnaires and brainstorming, the three biggest wastes were obtained, namely transportation, employee behavior, and unnecessary motion. To find the root of the problem, five whys are used, then suggestions for improvement are proposed with weighting based on Importance, Urgency, and Priority (IUP).
From these improvements, food container production time decreased by 46,32%, Value Adding Activity increased by 31.64% by reducing Non Value Adding Activity by 58.83%. This has a positive impact on business development.
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