Furniture, Fuzzy Goal Programming, Kayu, UKMAbstract
Jombang Regency is one of the furniture producers which supplies many cities in Indonesia. Production activities are carried out at the furniture SMEs center in Catak Gayam village, Mojowarno, Jombang. Furniture SMEs strive to serve consumer needs according to demand. SMEs prepare teak wood raw materials by ordering wood from suppliers. It is difficult for furniture SMEs to determine the number of teak wood orders that match consumer product demand. The Fuzzy Goal Programming method is able to provide solutions for determining of raw materials according to consumer needs. The results of this research formed a model that was used to determine the amount of teak wood raw material according to demand of 25.03 m3 per order. Furniture SMEs set a profit target of 0.25. This condition shows the most optimal conditions in production activities at SMEs Furniture.
Kabupaten Jombang merupakan salah satu penghasil furniture yang banyak menyuplai di kota-kota berada di Indonesia. Kegiatan produksi dilakukan di sentral UKM furniture di desa Catak Gayam, Mojowarno, Jombang. UKM furniture berupaya dalam melayani kebutuhan konsumen sesuai dengan permintaan. UKM menyiapkan bahan baku kayu jati dengan cara memesan kayu ke supplier. Sulitnya UKM furniture dalam menentukan pesanan kayu jati yang sesuai dengan permintaan produk yang dibutuhkan konsumen. Metode Fuzzy Goal Programming mampu memberikan solusi penentuan jumlah bahan baku sesuai dengan kebutuhan konsumen. Hasil penelitian ini terbentuk suatu model yang digunakan untuk menentukan jumlah bahan baku kayu jati sesuai dengan permintaan sebesar 25,03 m3 setiap kali order. UKM furniture memberikan target keuntungan sebesar 0,25. Kondisi ini menunjukan kondisi yang paling optimal dalam kegiatan produksi pada UKM Furniture.
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