
  • Muhammad Nabil Reza Respati Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya, Indonesia
  • M. Nushron Ali Mukhtar Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya, Indonesia



down time, overall equipment effectiveness, risk management


Teknologi yang di pakai perusahaan semakin maju mengikuti perkembangan zaman, sehingga untuk menjamin kelancaran proses produksi harus selalu memperhatikan pemeliharaan produktivitas. Permasalahan yang terjadi adalah tingginya cost yang di timbulkan karena lamanya waktu downtime pada salah satu mesin, yaitu mesin extruder. Pada penelitian ini mengkaji tentang manajemen perawatan. Metode Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) di gunakan untuk mengukur efisiensi perawatan. Analisis dari resiko operasional selama proses produksi menggunakan House Of Risk (HOR). Pengolahan data Overall Equipment Effectiveness dimulai dengan pengukuran tiga komponen yaitu Availability, Performance, dan Rate Of Quality. Dalam kurun waktu satu tahun, di dapatkan rata-rata nilai OEE mesin extruder pada tahun 2022 sebesar 74,04 %. Identifikasi resiko dilakukan pada proses maintenance mesin extruder. Hasil dari pengukuran effectiveness to difficulty ratio memperoleh 3 prioritas mitigasi pada mesin extruder di dapatkan nilai OEE di bawah overall plant efficiency 85%. Atas dasar tersebut, di pilih 6 risk agent dan 5 preventive action yang memberikan feedback paling tinggi pada resiko maintenance. Kerusakan part, kurangnya jadwal perawatan, dan gangguan kelistrikan merupakan Risk agent yang berpengaruh terhadap operasional extruder. Tindakan pencegahan yang bisa dilakukan adalah melaksanakan pengecekan mesin tiap minggu.



The technology used by the company is increasing by the following times, to ensure a smooth production process had to heed to productivity maintenance. The problem that occurs is the high cost incurred due to the length of downtime on one of the machines, which is the extruder machine. This research examines maintenance management. The Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) method is used to measure maintenance efficiency. Analysis of operational risks during the production process using the House of Risk (HOR). Overall Equipment Effectiveness data processing starts with measuring three components, Availability, Performance, and Rate of Quality. Within one year, the average OEE value of the extruder machine in 2022 was 74.04%. Risk identification is carried out in the extruder machine maintenance process. The results of measuring the effectiveness to difficulty ratio obtained three mitigation priorities on the extruder machine obtained an OEE value below the overall plant efficiency of 85%. On this basis, six risk agents and five preventive actions were selected that produced the highest feedback on maintenance risks. Part damage, lack of scheduled maintenance, and electrical interference are risk agents that affect extruder operations. Preventive action that can be done is to carry out machine checks every week. 

Author Biographies

Muhammad Nabil Reza Respati, Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya, Indonesia

Teknik Industri

Fakultas Teknik

M. Nushron Ali Mukhtar, Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya, Indonesia

Teknik Industri

Fakultas Teknik


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