
  • Jurnal Ecopreneur.12

    Journal title Ecopreneur.12
    Initials Econ12
    Frequency 2 issues per year
    DOI 10.51804/econ12
    Online ISSN 2615-6237
    Print ISSN -
    Editor-in-chief Donny Arif
    Managing Editor  
    Publisher Universitas Maarif Hasyim Latif Sidoarjo
    Managed Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis - UMAHA
    Citation Analysis Google Scholar

    Ecopreneur.12 is devoted to financial management and accounting research. Its main objective is to contribute to expanding knowledge and development related to the theory of digitizing financial management and digital payment systems with a global perspective by facilitating the dissemination of academic research worldwide.

    Ecopreneur.12 is expected to provide an attractive financial management and accounting journal for researchers, academics, and practitioners from various sources of knowledge and exchange ideas by establishing academic relationships. This journal used to be a bridge for professionals, with articles that focused on financial management and accounting, broadly defined by the era of digitalization and disruption, and provided insight related to the financial management and accounting professions. This journal is published semi-annually, April-October.

  • Jurnal Reformasi Hukum : Cogito Ergo Sum

    Jurnal Reformasi Hukum : Cogito Ergo Sum (JRHCES) sebagai media komunikasi dan pengembangan ilmu, khususnya Ilmu Hukum. Diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun pada bulan Januari dan Juli, oleh Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Maarif Hasyim Latif Sidoarjo. Redaksi menerima sumbangan naskah artikel hasil penelitian, artikel ilmiah konseptual, tinjauan kepustakaan dan resensi buku baru, sepanjang relevan dengan misi redaksi. Nomor ISSN: 2614-5987 (media online), 2599-3364 (media cetak)

  • Jurnal SainHealth

    Jurnal SainHeath (E-ISSN: 2549-2586, P-ISSN: 2548-8333) is a scientific journal that publishes articles in the fields of science, health, and both of them. It is a journal to encourage research publication to researchers, academics, professionals and students engaged in their respective fields. This journal is published by the Faculty of Health SciencesUniversitas Maarif Hasyim Latif Sidoarjo in March and September.

    The aim of the Jurnal SainHealth is to increase the impact of research in both academia and industry, with an emphasis on quality and originality. Jurnal SainHealth publishes Original Research Articles, Short Communications, Review Articles in all areas of science, health and both of them.

    The author must ensure that the manuscript to be submitted is in accordance with the Focus and Scope. Author can submit manuscript by doing online submission. Author should prepare their manuscript to the instructions given in Author Guidelines before doing online submission. Template of article can be download in right sidebar. All submissions will be reviewed and evaluated based on originality, technical research, and relevance to journal contributions.


    Jurnal SainHealth has been covered by the following indexing and abstracting services:
    1. Google Scholar
    2. Garba Rujukan Digital (GARUDA)
    3. PKP Index
    4. Beilefeld Academic Search Engine (BASE)
    5. Neliti
    6. Dimension AI
    7. Indonesia Onesearch

    Jurnal SainHealth is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

  • Teknika: Engineering and Sains Journal

    Scientific Journal published by Faculty of Engineering
    Universitas Maarif Hasyim Latif


    Teknika: Engineering and Sains Journal (TESJ) is a scientific publication periodically to accommodate the research for lecturers both from Faculty of Engineering, Universitas Maarif Hasyim Latif as well as from other universities, who want to publish the results of scientific work in the form of literature, research, and technological development as a form of application of methods, algorithms, or framework that includes a variety of topics related to engineering studies, science or other topics related to the field of engineering.


  • DESKOVI : Art and Design Journal

    DESKOVI : Art and Design Journal is a journal published officially by LPPM Universitas Maarif Hasyim Latif. The topics in DESKOVI cover the results of study and creation that can broaden knowledge in the field of art and design in general with a focus on the topic of design processes, design methodology, design development, design history, design discourse, art criticism, art anthropology, art sociology, creative industry and conceptual culture, education and research in the fields of art, performance, product design, interior design and visual communication design.

    The journal was first published in December 2018 and regularly published twice per year in June and December.
  • IQTISHADequity jurnal MANAJEMEN

    Journal titleIQTISHADequity jurnal MANAJEMEN
    Frequency2 issues per year
    Online ISSN2622-6367
    Print ISSN-
    Editor-in-chiefDonny Arif
    Managing Editor
    PublisherUniversitas Maarif Hasyim Latif Sidoarjo
    ManagedFakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis - UMAHA
    Citation AnalysisGoogle Scholar

    IQTISHADequity jurnal MANAJEMEN (IEJM) is devoted to financial management and accounting research. Its main objective is to contribute to expanding knowledge and development related to the theory of digitizing financial management and digital payment systems with a global perspective by facilitating the dissemination of academic research worldwide.

    IQTISHADequity jurnal MANAJEMEN (IEJM) is expected to provide an attractive financial management and accounting journal for researchers, academics, and practitioners from various sources of knowledge and exchange ideas by establishing academic relationships. This journal used to be a bridge for professionals with articles that focus on financial management and accounting, broadly defined by the era of digitalization and disruption that provide insight related to the professions of financial management and accounting. This journal is published semi-annually, June-December.

  • IKONIK : Jurnal Seni dan Desain

    IKONIK Jurnal Seni dan Desain is a scientific journal published by Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat (LPPM) of Universitas Maarif Hasyim Latif, with a frequency of two issues per year in January and July. The IKONIK journal covers all writings that focus on material in the field of Performing Arts, Visual Arts, and Design, including the following topics: Music, Dance, Theater, Design History, Art History, Visual Culture, Design Methodology, Design Process, Design Discourse, Design and Culture, Sociology of Design, Arts Management, Art Criticism, Anthropology of Art, Artifact Design, Industrial Design, Visual Communication Design, Photography, Interior Design, Crafts, Architecture, Film, Multimedia, Creative Industries, Design Policy, culture, art psychology, art education, and other conceptual research in performing arts, visual arts, and design. The IKONIK journal is expected to serve as a platform for authors to publish their works, contributing to the advancement of knowledge in the fields of performing arts, visual arts, and design.

  • JISO : Journal of Industrial and Systems Optimization

    Journal of Industrial Systems Optimization (JISO) is a scientific journal that serves as a platform for researchers, academics and practitioners to publish their research results in the field of systems and industrial engineering.

    JISO is managed by the Industrial Engineering Study Program and published periodically by LPPM Universitas Maarif Hasyim Latif. First published at the end of 2018, JISO regularly publishes 2 volumes in June and December every year. JISO has been registered with Direktorat Repositori Multimedia dan Penerbitan Ilmiah BRIN with number (eISSN 2622-898X) (pISSN 2622-8971). JISO has been accredited by SINTA 5 (No. 105/E/KPT/2022). and indexed by Index Copernicus International since 2022.

    Due to the high interest, after ten articles maximum, starting from Vol 7 No 2 2024, the maximum published in JISO is 15 articles per number of volume.

    Articles submitted will go through a blind review by at least two reviewers to meet the assessment criteria and comply with the guideline format set by JISO. Article could be written in Bahasa or English. All articles published in JISO are open accessed.

  • Mechonversio: Mechanical Engineering Journal

    Mechonversio: Mechanical Engineering Journal (MMEJ) merupakan jurnal Teknik Mesin yang dikelolah LPPM Universitas Maarif Hasyim Latif. MMEJ menjadi media untuk penulis civitas, praktisi dan mahasiswa dalam penyebarluasan untuk pengembangan keilmuan dan penelitian di bidang Teknik Mesin.
    MMEJ terbit pertama kali pada Desember 2018, dan rutin terbit 2 kali setiap tahun pada bulan Juni dan Desember.
    MMEJ terdaftar pada Pusat Data dan Dokumentasi Ilmiah (PDDI) LIPI dengan ISSN 2622-8262 (media cetak) dan ISSN 2622-6170 (media online)
    Artikel yang diterima akan dilakukan review tertutup oleh dua reviewer agar memenuhi kriteria penilaian dan sesuai dengan format panduan yang ditetapkan oleh MMEJ.

  • Ubiquitous: Computers and its Applications Journal

    Scientific Journal published by LPPM
    Universitas Maarif Hasyim Latif


    Ubiquitous: Computers and its Applications Journal (UCaiAJpublishes peer-reviewed multidisciplinary research on personal and ubiquitous technologies and services. The journal provides a global perspective on new research and development areas including the user experience for advanced digital technologies, the Internet of Things, big data, social technologies, and mobile and wearable devices, mobile computing, distributed computing, data mining, computer vision.


  • Among : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

    Journal title Among : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
    Initials Among
    Frequency 2 issues per year
    DOI 10.51804/among
    Online ISSN 2622-7738
    Print ISSN 2622-5328 
    Editor-in-chief Dewi Agustya Ningrum
    Managing Editor Siti Mahmudah
    Publisher LPPM Universitas Maarif Hasyim Latif
    Managed LPPM Universitas Maarif Hasyim Latif
    Indexed by Google Scholar | Garuda | Dimensions

    Among : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (AJPM) adalah publikasi layanan publik secara berkala untuk mengakomodasi layanan masyarakat bagi dosen di Universitas Maarif Hasyim Latif dan dari universitas lain yang ingin mempublikasikan hasil layanan masyarakat dalam bentuk literatur, penelitian dan pengembangan yang mencakup berbagai topik yang berkaitan dengan kebutuhan masyarakat lokal atau topik lain yang terkait dengan kebutuhan masyarakat itu sendiri.



  • DHERMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat

    DHERMA : Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat (DHERMAJPM) adalah publikasi layanan publik secara berkala untuk mengakomodasi layanan masyarakat bagi dosen di Universitas Maarif Hasyim Latif dan dari universitas lain yang ingin mempublikasikan hasil layanan masyarakat dalam bentuk literatur, penelitian dan pengembangan yang mencakup berbagai topik yang berkaitan dengan kebutuhan masyarakat lokal atau topik lain yang terkait dengan kebutuhan masyarakat itu sendiri.

  • MAGISTRA VITAE : Journal Magister Hukum

    MAGISTRA VITAE : Journal Magister Hukum (MV-JMH) sebagai media komunikasi dan pengembangan ilmu, khususnya Ilmu Hukum. Diterbitkan dua kali dalam setahun pada bulan Januari dan Juli, oleh Fakultas Hukum, Universitas Maarif Hasyim Latif Sidoarjo. Redaksi menerima sumbangan naskah artikel hasil penelitian, artikel ilmiah konseptual, tinjauan kepustakaan dan resensi buku baru, sepanjang relevan dengan misi redaksi. Nomor ISSN:  (media online),  (media cetak)

  • Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan Universitas Maarif Hasim Latif Sidoarjo

    Situs Prosiding SemNas Kesehatan UMAHA ini memuat prosiding hasil publikasi seminar ilmiah yang diterbitkan Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat di Universitas Maarif Hasyim Latif. Koleksi digital ini memuat berbagai artikel-artikel penelitian dan kajian-kajian ilmiah yang meliputi berbagai bidang keilmuan di ilmu kesehatan.
  • Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fakultas Ilmu Ekonomi dan Hukum Universitas Maarif Hasyim Latif Sidoarjo

    Situs Prosiding SemNas SosHum UMAHA ini memuat prosiding hasil publikasi seminar ilmiah yang diterbitkan Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat di Universitas Maarif Hasyim Latif. Koleksi digital ini memuat berbagai artikel-artikel penelitian dan kajian-kajian ilmiah yang meliputi berbagai bidang keilmuan di ekonomi, akuntansi, bisnis, sosial dan hukum serta berbagai bidang lainnya.

  • Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fakultas Teknik Universitas Maarif Hasyim Latif Sidoarjo

    Situs Prosiding Seminar Nasional Fakultas Teknik Universitas Maarif Hasyim Latif Sidoarjo ini memuat prosiding hasil publikasi seminar ilmiah yang diterbitkan Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat di Universitas Maarif Hasyim Latif. Koleksi digital ini memuat berbagai artikel-artikel penelitian dan kajian-kajian ilmiah yang meliputi berbagai bidang keilmuan di Teknik Mesin, Teknik Industri, Teknik Informatika dan Teknik Komputer serta berbagai bidang lainnya.

    ISSN 2721-2662 (online)



    ADRI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE  OF RESEARCH MULTIDISCIPLINE publishes papers on the many scope are computer and electrical engineering: including power generation, transmission and distribution systems, new and renewable energy, turbine design, generator system, grid system, conversion and conservation of electrical power, electric motor and generator, power electronics and electric drive, mechanical engineering: including control system, robotic system, manufacturing apparatus, CNC machine, sensors, actuators, kinematics, and mechanical dynamics, informatics: including bioinformatics, cloud computing, computational intelligence, computer vision, data mining, information retrieval, digital signal processing, human-computer interaction, image processing, mobile computing, networks, virtual reality, augmented reality, web technologies, industrial engineering: including supply chain, performance management, occupational safety and health, ergonomics.Economic, management, accounting, interpreneurship, business.Education learning, teaching And Relegion. Social science and  humanities. Fisher, Animal Husbandry, Agriculturgriculture, Flantation and Forestry, Health, LAW and etc

    ADRI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE  OF RESEARCH MULTIDISCIPLINE is  Collaborative involving coordination between the researchers, institutions, organizations, and/or communities. The purpose of this collaboration is to increase scientific sources of knowledge that can be a reference for education in the world.  ADRI INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE  OF RESEARCH MULTIDISCIPLINE Partnership  is researchers ensures that their knowledge, skills and techniques are made available to everyone interested and mutually benefit the participants. The more researchers collaborate, the greater are the chances for success.